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Study with Bhavani

50hrs The Soothe Method
Somatic Restorative Training

Starts October 16th - 20th' 2024
Bookings are open!

This training is meticulously crafted for individuals who are passionate about exploring the transformative potential of nervous system regulation for healing. Tailored for yoga teachers, therapists, or anyone keen on delving into this profound realm, the program offers a comprehensive education on reorganizing the nervous system. Participants will gain invaluable insights into techniques aimed at recalibrating and resetting the body, facilitating a journey towards enhanced well-being and vitality. Whether you're seeking personal growth or aiming to integrate these powerful tools into your therapeutic practice, this training provides a platform for deep learning and experiential exploration.


This Training consists of a blend of:

  • Somatics

  • Restorative Yoga

  • Breathing techniques

  • Yoga Nidra

  • 5 days in-person immersion

  • 3 post-training online monthly meetings to follow up the training


The Soothe Method offers an extensive training curriculum specifically crafted to empower students with the skills needed to effectively guide their own students through practices aimed at resetting the nervous system.


Through this training, educators gain in-depth knowledge of various techniques designed to promote relaxation, alleviate stress, and foster a sense of calm within the body and mind. By mastering this method, instructors become proficient in leading sessions that facilitate nervous system reset, enabling their students to experience profound levels of rejuvenation and balance.

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What You Will Learn

  1. Understanding Restorative Practice:

To comprehend Restorative Practice, we must grasp its distinct features that set it apart from other styles. Dispelling misconceptions about passive styles is crucial in embracing this practice, which is often wrongly perceived as overly gentle, suitable only for beginners, conducive to falling asleep, or primarily involving lying down. My aim is to broaden your understanding by revealing the diverse therapeutic benefits these practices offer.


2. Restorative Poses and Techniques:

Integral to your training is the daily immersion in restorative and somatic practices, allowing you to glean insights from personal adaptations and peer interactions, thereby exploring the myriad variations each pose can embody. Through active participation and observation, you'll discover the therapeutic nuances involved in tailoring postures to accommodate individual body types and emotional states. Mastery as a professional teacher entails refining your observational skills to discern and cater to the unique needs of each student.

3. Anatomy Understanding

Whether you have done a training in the past or not, we will review the body structure, articulations, fascial system, and functionalities so you feel secure to guide and offer your classes as a teacher. Anatomy is a key backbone in becoming a  teacher in order to feel confident having conversations with your students about their unique body. Your therapeutic view will comprehend why some people will benefit from more or less props and more or less time in certain postures. 


4. Understanding Nervous System Dynamics

Exploring the intricate link between our mental, physical, and environmental facets is facilitated through practices that engage with the nervous system. In this training, we delve into comprehending the components and operations of our nervous system, aiding in our grasp of self-regulation techniques.


5. Utilizing Breathing Techniques for Nervous System Regulation:

Understanding the pivotal role of breath in modulating our nervous system is crucial. Identifying specific breathing practices that induce a relaxation response is essential for promoting optimal mental and physical well-being during restorative practices.


​6. Comprehending Stress:

Recognizing stress as a significant contributor to feelings of exhaustion, tension, and overwhelm is paramount. To provide our students with a practice that fosters rejuvenation, regeneration, and energy, it's essential to delve into the mechanisms of stress accumulation within the body and its resultant effects. This understanding empowers instructors to establish an appropriate language and environment conducive to their classes.


7. Somatic Practices

Somatics is a way to teach our muscles and tissues to relax and to stay that way. I call this in my classes the passive warm-up. You will learn that some people will find it quite challenging to enter a passive pose and remain calm/meditative. Somatics is a beautiful conscious way to navigate movement that is restful, fluid and nourishing while lengthening tissues and addressing tension. ​


8. Cultivating a Positive and Easeful Relationship with Our Bodies and Self:

Restorative and Somatic practices, whether practiced individually or in conjunction, offer a structured approach to fostering a deeper connection with our bodies. Through these modalities, we embark on a journey of cultivating loving-kindness towards ourselves, laying a foundational framework that permeates all aspects of our lives.


9. Group practices and one-on-one sessions

Practice, practice, practice. That is what will take you to the next step to start offering your knowledge into a classroom or one-on-one setting. We will have time to prepare classes, review, discuss and give each other feedback amongst peers so that you feel experienced as you step out into your teaching. 

About The Soothe Method

The education provided in this training is a way to connect body to one's mind and mental health. Because somatics and restorative practices teach the practitioner to regulate their nervous system, they can feel safer to slow down, lean into a sensation, release emotions and ground into their body and present moment. 


Restorative practices invite us to slow down, listen to our bodies, and honor their needs. By providing support and comfort through various poses and props, we learn to acknowledge and accept our bodies as they are in the present moment. This acknowledgment forms the basis of self-compassion, allowing us to embrace ourselves with kindness and understanding, regardless of any perceived limitations or imperfections.


Somatic practices further deepen this connection by facilitating an exploration of bodily sensations and movement patterns. Through mindful awareness and gentle movement, we become attuned to the subtle cues and messages our bodies communicate, fostering a greater sense of embodiment and self-awareness. As we engage with our bodies in a compassionate and non-judgmental manner, we develop a profound sense of trust and acceptance in ourselves.


By integrating these practices into our lives, we cultivate a positive and easeful relationship with our bodies and self. This relationship serves as a resilient foundation that supports us through life's challenges and triumphs, empowering us to navigate with grace and resilience. Ultimately, it enables us to embrace our inherent worthiness and inherent wholeness, fostering a sense of peace, contentment, and fulfillment in our lives.




  • Deeply relaxes the body 

  • Stills a busy mind

  • Releases muscular tension, improving mobility and flexibility

  • Improves capacity for healing and balancing

  • Balances the nervous system

  • Boosts the immune system

  • Develops qualities of compassion and understanding toward others and self.

What You Will Need

If you have not done a Yoga Teacher training before, get in touch with us so we can chat about the details required so that you feel you can absorb all the learning that is offered in our Training. 

We will cover a lot of different skills and techniques. As such everyone is encouraged to develop their own style and gifts within this field. 

In the course we will provide the following equipment:

  • Yoga mats

  • Yoga blocks

  • Yoga bolsters

  • Straps

  • Blankets

  • Other accessories


If you wish to bring  your own mat and props you are welcome to do so. We will explore and play with a variety of options so you can learn how to use all these equipment. 



  • 1st Early bird Price fully paid before May 30th' 2024 $1,600

  • 2nd Early bird Price fully paid before July 30th' 2024 $1,700

  • Full Price $1,880

  • We offer 10% discount if you have done our Sound Therapy Training

  • Payment Plans available, please contact directly

  • Accommodation is included. 

What it includes:

  • Price Includes shared Accommodation for 4 nights (enquire for extra night), all training and Training Manual

  • Meals are not included but there is a kitchen available for use and shops nearby. We will have a couple of shared meals that can be arranged with a our local catering service. 

  • 3 post-training online monthly meetings to follow up the training

Typical Daily Schedule

8.45am - Therapeutic Practice

9.45am - Tea Break

10.ooam - Theory 

12.00pm - Lunch Break

1.00pm - Breakdown of Practices

2.45pm - Tea Break

3.00pm - Theory

5.00pm - Therapeutic Practice

5.30pm - Freetime/dinner

7:00pm (some days we will have evening group practice)


This is a general guideline but may change from day to day.


If you’re a yoga teacher registered with Yoga Alliance then you’re probably already aware of the continuing education requirement that must be met every three years to remain a member in good standing. 

As a E-RYT500 and Yoga Therapist, Bhavani's The Soothe Method training is approved by Yoga Alliance and provides students with CEUs needed to maintain registration. This course is to increase your skills and prepares you to teach with confidence. 

About The Instructor

Bhavani has been involved in the wellness industry for over 15 years. She became interested in Yoga as a form of exercise in her teenage years. As a young adult she deepened her understanding and became more curious in learning about the mind and body relationship. After practicing more dynamic and traditional practices, she leaned into the art of pausing. This opened her up to the journey of Restorative,  Somatics and Therapeutics. 


Bhavani has trained with many great teachers in this field such as Dr. Ganesh Mohan, Donna Farhi, Neal Goshal, Lisa Petersen, and more. She has also trained with Svastha Yoga Therapy school for several years, is a Certified Yoga Therapist, runs a Back Care Clinic each year at Sanctuary Hill and is a registered Yoga New Zealand Level 3 Teacher and E-RYT500 Yoga Alliance Registered and YACEP.  She has a very intuitive approach to this healing art.

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021 081 66486


Practice Somatics
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